All posts by Smitty (WB1G)

An Introduction to WSJT’s DXpedition Mode

On the 5th Wednesday evening this month (5/29 @ 7:30 PM), Al (K7AR) will cover what DXpedition Mode is, why it was created, how to set up and operate as a Hound, what to do and most importantly what NOT to do as a Hound. Real-world scenarios from the VK9LAA expedition will be presented, so viewers can see how a Fox operates. Please join us on Zoom at as we welcome Al and acquaint ourselves with what it takes to run a DXpedition and learn about good operating practices. A Q&A session will be held after his presentation. #w6ek

May We Have A POTA Party?

Have you ever thought, “I kinda want to get into Parks On The Air” or “Portable set-ups sound fun” or “How does Christina put up with going to the parks with Thomas and Chris all the time?”

Come join our Parks On The Air (POTA) party on May 26th and find out! The fun starts at 10 AM.

Since the repeater doesn’t come in well in the area, we’ll be using 146.535 for talk-in.


Newsletter (Archive)




Newsletter (General Meeting Minutes)

President Aaron W1ATB welcomed individuals to this monthly meeting.

The event was called to order at 1930 by President Aaron, W1ATB who opened the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board members present:
President- Aaron, W1ATB.
Vice-President- Jim, W6JCZ
Treasurer- Brian, KN6BKB
Secretary- Dave, N6OJJ.
Director- Greydon, KC6SLE
Director- Mark, W2MWK
Director- Jim, WA8MPA

Club Business
Quorum met: YES 50 in person + 13 on ZOOM = 63
311 members / need 62 ‘present’ to meet quorum.
January General meeting minutes have been distributed. Accepted by acclamation as amended by members present.

New Members acceptance vote: 8 new applications:
Haven Courtney KN6URM Garritt Darling Ko6BMA
Adam Gothard KN6YSQ James Malley WA0HYS
Chuck Nungester Ko6CRZ Gregory Phelan Ko6CWF
Chris Robinson KF6NFW Forrest “Sandy” Shoemaker K6MJ
Acceptance by acclamation of those present.
revised membership count=319.
The Informational parts of the meeting continue below:
Repeater needs a new antenna pole (wood). Bid requests sent out.

Jim W6JCZ introduces:
Program 1: “Vacuum Tubes”, Greg Ko6TH


Program 2: “Loomis Hamfest overview” Aaron K6ABJ

Committee Chair Reports:
Repeater – Clyde, AB4CC- not present. AI6US- 220 repeater installed
this weekend.
Greeter/Sunshine – Pam, KN6GTK.
VE Exams – Brian, AI6US exam on March 4. 14 elements administered.
7 new Technicians; 2 new upgrades to General.
Next exam session: April 1, 2024.
Volunteer Events – Chip, KM6MDF- nothing on the volunteer events list until Spring. None pending.
Exam classes – Orion AI6JB: Extra Class session 4, 11 students.
Next Technician class: April 23.
Newsletter – Bob, K6ZLY – newsletter distributed by email & on homepage.
Satellite – Greg, KO6TH – nothing to report.
PIO – Smitty, WB1G –
Website – Smitty, WB1G –
Social Media – Smitty, WB1G – FB members now at 500. / Dropbox sites – Dennis, WU6X stepping down – currently:
293 participants. Smitty WB1G taking role in short term. Need new chair/admin.
Contests – Dennis, WU6X – CQWW WPX RTTY this weekend,
ARRL International DX on Feb. 16.
Membership – Jeff KM6RGO – Currently 311 members + 8 new tonight.
Nomination Committee – Gary KB7QWC, need 2 more members.
By-laws Committee – vacant, will be recruiting
ARES – Scott KM6RFB. Effective 1 March, will be ARES EC for Placer County.
Refreshments – Mark W2MWK – nothing to add.
Drawing – Ray, KK6AN – nothing to add.
Hot RF Nights – Greydon KC6SLE
Hamfest – Aaron K6ABJ – need Presentation, Test Bench, Logistics,
Sanitation, Parking coordinators.
Field Day – Jeff KM6RGO / Greydon KC6SLE
1st meeting 1800, March 28 on ZOOM.
Scholarship Committee – Earl, K6GPB –
Equipment Donations / Library – Jim, WA8MPA – thank you to all for tonight’s donations.

Calendar of club events:
Mar. 14 – 1700, Hamfest team meeting (Historic Loomis Depot)
Mar. 16 – 0700-1100, Hamfest opens at Historic Loomis Depot parking
Mar. 30 – 0730, Club breakfast at Mel’s, CA-49 at Luther Road
Mar. 30 – 0900, Foxhunt. Meet at Mel’s Diner
April 11 – 1800, next SFARC Board Meeting, on ZOOM
April 12 – 1930, next Club Meeting
April 20 – 0900-1100, Coffee & Donuts in Meadow Vista park
June 22-23, ARRL Field Day, Georgetown Airport Campground
Dec. 08 – SFARC X-Mas party

Nets (on W6EK repeater, 145.430, PL=162.2):
Daily: 0730-1000, Coffee Break Net on W6EK repeater
1st Sunday/month: 1930, Placer County ARES Net on W6EK repeater
Monday’s: 1800, All-Node Net
Wednesday’s: 1930-2030, 1st/3rd, Elmer/Mentoring Net;
1930, (ZOOM),2nd / 4th, In the Shack
Thursday’s: 1930-2030, SFARC Weekly Net

Adjourned at: 2118 PST

Newsletter (Board Meeting Minutes)

Called to order: 1802 PST by Aaron W1ATB

Approve February, 2024 Board minutes – approved as corrected

President: Aaron Bond W1ATB
Vice-President: Jim Zheng W6JCZ
Treasurer: Brian Fulkerson KM6MDM (correct callsign)
Secretary: Dave McBrayer N6OJJ
Director: Greydon Hicks KC6SLE (2 years)
Director: Mark Koehler W2MWK
Director: Jim Jupin WA8MPA (3 years)
also present: Brian AI6US; Greg KO6TH; Bob K6ZLY;
Gary KB7QWC; Clyde AB4CC; Smitty WB1G; Scott KM6RFB
introductions around

Quorum: minimum 1 Director + 4 Officers = MET

Officer & Board Member Reports
Jim Zheng W6JCZ – advert items at back of newsletter: motion by Smitty “ Motion: The “sponsor/special” thanks section in the SFARC Newsletter be reserved for advertisements from members in good standing, limit one ad per member, free of charge.“. second by Greydon KC6SLE. Motion carried by acclamation.
Dave McBrayer N6OJJ – nothing to present
Brian Fulkerson KN6BKB – bank statements uploaded to in board files folder. annual insurance premium paid.
Greydon KC6SLE – noting to present
Jim WA8MPA – nothing to present
Mark W2MWK – nothing to present

Repeater (Station Trustee) – Clyde AB4CC – 220 repeater going back to vault.
Repeater Committee – Jeff KM6RGO – awaiting contractor bids.
Newsletter – Bob, K6ZLY – Newsletter posted
Webmaster / Social media / PIO – Smitty WB1G –
social media site: FB at 500 members. fox hunt promo
PIO: hamfest promotion, / Dropbox – Dennis WU6X stepping down, need new chair – at 293 members.
Membership – Jeff KM6RGO) – 8 new applications to vote on tomorrow;
Currently enrolled: 311 members. 6 (2023) members did not renew.
meeting quorum = 62.
VE exams – Brian, AI6US – March 4: 14 elements administered.
7 new Technicians; 2 new upgrades.
next exams: April 1, 2024.
Volunteer Events Coordinator – Chip, KM6MDF – not present
Contests – Dennis, WU6X – not present. stepping down, need new chair
Scholarship Committee – Earl, K6GPB – not present.
Jeff KM6RGO: Daniel Fogart Scholarship (existing) and one more.
Drawing – Ray, KK6AM – not present
Refreshments – Mark, W2MWK – plenty of water on hand
Nominations – Gary, KB7QWC – needs 1 more committee member.
Hamfest 2024 – Aaron, K6ABJ – 3rd Sat. in March., 3-16. walk thru next
Thursday, 1700.
ByLaws Committee – TBA

Field Day / Hot RF Nights 2024 – Jeff, KM6RGO / Greydon KC6SLE –
time to dust off spreadsheets. First FD zoom meeting on March 28 at 1800. All welcome.
Hot RF Nights – Greydon
Picnic chair 2024 – open
Coffee & Doughnuts in Park 2024 – open
X-mas party – open. confirmed: Dec. 8, 2024.

Elmer/Mentoring: Pamphlet for VE and Club Meetings, QSL Card,
“How to become a Ham”. Smitty, WB1G, met with Greydon, KC6SLE.
Repeater Committee: 1st and 3rd Monday’s on Zoom @ 1930. RFP
sent out for repeater work.
Position Duties: 2023 officer input due soon.
Financial Audit: nothing to add.
Scholarship Committee: Committee has not met recently.
X-Mas Party date: Dec. 8, 2024. Confirmed with Church Pastor.
VE items: Brian AI6US, new VE handout being refreshed.
Club Asset Inventory: Jeff KM6RGO developing a spreadsheet.
Scott KM6RFB approved for his monthly net on W6EK repeater.

Scott KM6RFB, PCARES MOU for W6EK repeater use. discussion.
Motion of support by Greydon, 2nd by WA8MPA. passed by
Brian AJI6US – Coffee & Donuts in Park event – April 20, 0900-1100.
Brian AI6US – Camp out 2024 – Sept. 21 at Stampede. board support for group site? carry over to next month.
By-laws Committee – begin recruiting efforts
General Meeting – Jim WA8MPA – what donations does the pantry
need? paper towels, toilet tissue, kleenex, canned chicken/tuna,
cereal, pasta.

Hamfest walk-through meeting: March 14, 1700 at the Loomis Depot
parking lot.
Sat. Breakfast: 30 March, 0730 at Mel’s Original Diner, Grass Valley
Hwy at Luther Road, Auburn.
Fox Hunt: 30 March, 0900 after breakfast.

Next Board meeting: 11 April 2024, 1800 PT. on ZOOM

Adjourned: 1930 PST