All posts by Smitty (WB1G)

Next VE Exam Date (Front Page Promo / November 2023)

Looking for a local location to take your amateur radio license or upgrade exam? Sierra Foothills VE Team provides in-person exam sessions on the 1st Monday evening of the month.

Scholarships are available for new hams, who are under 21 years old and enrolled in an education program. The scholarship reimburses the cost of your exam and provides a study guide for the next license level.

NEXT IN-PERSON DATE: 11/06/2023 @ 7 PM

Need more information before signing up? CLICK HERE

Can You Help? (Front Page)


It takes a village to run an amateur radio club and the Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club is recruiting for event chairpersons and volunteers for 2024.


  • Hamfest 2024
  • Field Day 2024
  • Hot RF Nights 2024 (Chairperson In Place)
  • Fall Picnic 2024

Even if you can’t be a chairperson for an event, please send us your information (no this does not sign you up).

Next VE Exam Date (Front Page Promo / October 2023)

Looking for a local location to take your amateur radio license or upgrade exam? Sierra Foothills VE Team provides in-person exam sessions on the 1st Monday evening of the month.

Scholarships are available for new hams, who are under 21 years old and enrolled in an education program. The scholarship reimburses the cost of your exam and provides a study guide for the next license level.

NEXT IN-PERSON DATE: 10/02/2023 @ 7 PM

Need more information before signing up? CLICK HERE

Maker Faire ARRL (Front Page Promo)

SFARC is looking for members to help demonstrate amateur radio, can you help?

Saturday, October 7: At the Rocklin Maker Faire, the American Radio Relay League #ARRL, the National Association for Amateur Radio, will host an exhibit on the wonders of amateur radio.

Participating ARRL Section clubs like SFARC will display amateur radio equipment, antennas, and DIY projects, Morse Code practice stations, and offer hands-on experiences for attendees to experience the creativity and thrill of amateur radio wireless technology and analog and digital communication at our on-site Special Event Station N6M.

It’s a great opportunity to show what’s great about this hobby.


Celebration of Life for KG6LSB (Front Page Promo)

Celebration of Life

George Simmons (KG6LSB) was a beloved club member and friend of SFARC. Earlier this year, George became a silent key.

A celebration of life will be at 10 AM on September 17 at VFW Hall at 100 East Street in Auburn. Everyone is welcome!

All are invited to stay for the old-fashioned VFW Pancake Breakfast brunch prepared by VFW 904. If you plan to attend, please click here to RSVP.

Next VE Exam Date (Front Page Promo / September 2023)

Looking for a local location to take your amateur radio license or upgrade exam? Sierra Foothills VE Team provides in-person exam sessions on the 1st Monday evening of the month.

Scholarships are available for new hams, who are under 21 years old and enrolled in an education program. The scholarship reimburses the cost of your exam and provides a study guide for the next license level.

NEXT IN-PERSON DATE: 09/04/2023 @ 7 PM

Need more information before signing up? CLICK HERE