This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amuteur Radio Club BY -LAWS Table of Contents CLUB PURPOSE MEMBERSHIP DUES Section I Setting and Approving: ................. ........--6 Section 2 Dates and Publication of: ........... .......------6 Section 3 Renewal and Delinquency:.............. ........................'....6 Section 4 Pro-Rating Criteria Mid/Year-End Membership:................. ..'..........6 MEETINGS Section I Monthly General Members: ...-.-.-.-..........7 Section 2 Quorum Generalispecial:............... .........7 Section 3 Presidential Special: -.--­......7 Section 4 Members Special: ...-.....---.-.7 Section 5 Quorum By-LawsiMember Removal:................ .--.-.-.-.7 VOTING ARTTCLE VII .....................8 Section I Members/ Associate Voting: -.­................8 Section 2, Method of:................ .........8 BOARD of DIRECTORS ARTICLE VIII.............. ......................9 Section I Composition: ................. ................'."...'.'9 Section 3 Action Repofting: ......'........9 Section 5 Quorum Defined:....... .........9 Section 7 Expenditure Authority:. ...........................9 Section 8 Change of Officers/Transition:...... ........10 Section 9 Staggered Term: ........... ............'...'........10 Section 10 General membership Attendance: .......10 OFFICERS 11412010 4:20 PM January 2010 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm R1 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club BY -LAWS 2.2.Program Chair:.......... ............12 Duties, Secretary ARTICLE XI ................ Section 1 Scope of Duties: ............... 13 Section 2 Minutes,Motions/Chronological Journal:........ ...........-l3 Section 4 Timeliness of Duties:..... ........................13 Section 2 Club Dues:........... .............14 Section 3 Memberships, Dues, Records:....... ........14 Section 4 Bank Account and Signature Authorization: .................... ...............14 Section 5 Financial Reports: ............14 Section 6 Payment Authorized/Scope and Limitations: .............14 Section 7 Membership Expenditure Voting: .........14 Section 8 Club Property: ..................14 Section 9 Special Club Accounts: ................ .,....... 15 RAFFLE FUND: ..........................15 SNACK BARFUND: ..................15 PHONE PATCH FUND: .............15 REPEATER FUND:......... ............15 CHRISTMAS PARTY PUND: .........................15 STATIONTRUSTEE ARTICLE ......................... 16 Section 3 Records Retention: ............l3 Treasurer ELECTIONS 11412010 4:20PM January 2010 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm R1 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amateur Rudio Club BY _ LAWS PREAMBLE WISHING TO SECURE FOR OURSELVES THE PLEASURES AND BENEFITS OI PERSOIT^S COMMONLY INTERESTED IN AMATEUR R,ADIO, WE DO HEREBY CONSTITUTE OURSELVES THE SIERRA FOOTHILLS AMATET]R RADIO CLUB AND DO ENACT THESE BY­ LA WS AS OUR GOVERNING DOCUMENT: CLUB PURPOSE ARTIGLE I Section I The propose of this Club shall be to furtherthe exchange of information and cooperation among Members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency, and to conduct Club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio in the community INCORPORATION ARTICLE II Section 1 Not For Profit: This Club shall be: incorporated as a non-profit, tax except organization under the laws of the state of California. Section 2 Dissolution: All funds and properties of this Club shall be distributed to other non-profit corporations in the event of dissolution this Club. 11412010 4:20PM April 1988 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm Rl This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club _ BY LAWS MEMBERSHIP ARTIGLE III Section I Eligibility For Membership: All persons interested in amateur radio and/or furthering the purposes of the SIERRA FOOTHILLS AMATEUR RADIO CLUB shall be eligible for membership. Membership is considered a privilege. Membership is subject to review by the Board and/or general membership. Section 2 Application: Any person desiring membership in this Club shall submit an application in writing to the Club. See: Article III Membership, Section 7 Petitions. Article V Meetings, Sections 5 Quorum By-Laws/Member removal Article VIII Board of Directors, Section 6 Voting. Article XI Secretary, Section 2, Presentation of New Membership application Section 3 Term: The term of membership shall date from the meeting during which the Member's application was accepted by the Club and shall end December 3 1st of that year; With the exception of Article V Quorum By-Laws/Member Removal. Section 4 Liability: No individual Member of this Club shall be personally liable for any debt contracted in the name of the Club when such obligation has been authorized by the Board and approved by the membership of this Club. Section 5 Associate Criteria: An Associate Member shall be a resident in the household of a Regular Member, and shall have paid Associate Member dues. An Associate Member not holding a valid amateur license may not hold an elective office. Section 6 Honorary Appointments: An Honorary Membership may be bestowed by the President upon recommendation of the Board and shall run from the date voted to December 3 l st of that same year, with all dues and fees waived. See: Article V Voting, Section 5 Quorum By-Laws Member removal for the exception: Section 7 Petitions: Any of 3 or more Members of this club may present a petition to the Board of Directors setting forth any proposed amendment or repeal of these By-Laws. The Board of Directors shall present the petition to the general membership as provided in Article V Meetings Section 2 Quorum General/Special, and Article XV Elections, Section 3 Ballot Announcements and Article VIII Voting, Section 1 Member/Associate Voting. ll4l20l0 4:20 PM December 1993 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm Rl This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amuteur Radio Club BY _ LAWS DUES ARTICLE IV Section I Setting and Approving: Dues for membership shall be set by the Board and approved by the membership. Section 2 Dates and Publication of: Annual dues are due and payable on January 1st and shall become delinquent on January 31st of each year; dues payments shall be accompanied by a completed membership application form. Membership application forms shall be made available continuously throughout the year and published in the Newsletter for at least 4 months beginning October 1st of each year. Section 3 Renewal and Delinquency: A former Member, ( I ) who is delinquent in payment of dues, (2) who desires reinstatement and, (3) who has been a Member at any time during the previous calendar year shall be required to pay the full current calendar year's dues regardless ofthe date of reinstatement. Delinquency in dues payment shall result in loss of membership. Section 4 Pro-Rating Criteria Mid/Year-End Membership: For only "New" members (not a member at any time during the previous year) dues shall be pro-rated on a monthly basis for a mid or end of year membership, the total pro-rate amount shall be at a monthly whole dollar rate i.e. to the next higher whole dollar amount. If the pro-rate is for three months or less, the Member shall pay atthe same time for three months pro-rate plus the full dues for the coming year. Section 5 Refund: No annual dues shall be refunded or rebated to any Member. ll4l20l0 4:20 PM December 1993 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm Rl This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierru Foothills Amatear Radio Club BY _ LAWS MEETINGS ARTICLE V Section 1 Monthly General Members: A meeting of the general membership shall be held each month. Section 2 Quorum General/Special: The physical presence of 20o/o or more of the paid membership at any regular or special membership meeting shall constitute a quorum for conducting all business and the election of officers except as defined below; a simple majority vote shall rule. Section 3 Presidential Special: A special meeting may be called by the President when special occasions arise. Public, seven day advance notice shall be given prior to the holding of any special meeting except that prior thirty day notice shall be given if such meeting involves election of officers or the amendment or repeal of these By-Laws. Section 4 Members Special: Special meetings of the Club membership shall be called by the Board of Directors upon the written request of ten per cent of the paid membership. Section 5 Quorum By-Laws/Member Removal: The physical presence of 30% or more of the paid membership shall constitute a quorum or the purpose of removing any memberfrom the Club oTan ffice; a two-thirds majority vote shall rule. I n see" '$zatL Article III Meetings, Section 7 Petitions. Article XVI By-Laws, Section 2 Amendments. ll4l20l0 4:20 PM December 1993 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm R1 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club _ BY LAWS VOTING ARTICLE VII Section 1 Members/ Associate Voting: Every Member and Associate Member shall be entitled to one Vote at membership meetings or Mailed/Absentee Ballot. Section 2, Method of: Voting at meetings may be done by voice, and/or ballot inctuding mailed/absentee ballots, Mailed/Absentee voting shall be permittedfor membership when confidential ballots are prepared and distributed by mail to the last known address of the member. See: Article XII Treasurer, Section 7 Membership Expenditure Voting. 11412010 4:20 PM December 1993 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm Rl This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amatear Radio Club _ BY LAWS BOARD of DIRECTORS ARTICLE Vlll Section I Composition: The Board of Directors (Board) of this Club shall consist of the President, who shall be its Chairman, the Vice President, who shall act as Chairman in the absence of the President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and three Directors. Section 2 RolelDuty: The Board shall act for and as agents of this Club and shall take any action necessary to promote the best interests of this Club. Section 3 Action Reporting: The Board of Directors shall report to the general membership any action taken by the Board. See: Article XI, Secretary, Section 2 Minutes/Motions/Chronological Record. Section 4 Meetings: The Board, at the call of the Chairman (Club President) shall normally meet once per month at a time and place convenient to the members of the Board. The Chairman (Club President or his/her designee) shall notify each member of the Board of the time and place of any meeting at least three days prior to the meeting. Section 5 Quorum Defined: For the Board of Directors, a quorum shall comprise four Board Members with at least one being a Director. Section 6 Voting: Only members of the Board of Directors shall vote on matters presented to it; the President shall cast a vote only in the event of a tie. A simple majority vote shall rule. The Board shall review membership in accordance with all applicable By-Law requirements including Article III, Membership Section I Eligibility Criteria: Mail/Absentee voting shall not be permittedfor Board Meetings. Section 7 Expenditure Authority: The Board is authorized to expend a sum not in excess of $100 per month in connection with routine club operations. The Board shall: (1) Approve the financial institution that serves as the bank for the Club funds. (2) Determine the number of signatures required on disbursement papers and (3) Establish accounts and special funds in accordance with Article XII Treasurer Duties, Section 4 Bank Accounts and Signature Authorization, Section 9 Special Club Accounts. .l December 993 11412010 4:20 PM SFARCbylaws re-format ajm Rl This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierru Foothills Amatear Radio Club _ BY LAWS Section 8 Change of Officers/Transition: "When the annual change of officers occurs, the outgoing Board Members and Newsletter Editor shall meet as a body with the incoming Board Members and Newsletter Editor to review Club activities and non-completed matters. This joint meeting shall be held prior to the January general membership meeting on a date and time mutually agreed upon. At this joint meeting the outgoing officers and directors will turn over to their incoming counterparts all documents, funds and other material entrusted to their care and provide such advice as may be requested to ensure an orderly transition and continuity of club eflort. Section 9 Staggered Term: The Director who received the greatest number of votes in the last election shall serve a staggered term of office. He/She shall remain a Board member for two years. The term of ffice is to overlap a new administration and provide historical knowledge and iintinuity. The process and staggered term shall begin with the 1994 election of Board Members. In case of a tie vote the candidates may decide among themselves who should serve the two year term or the decision mcty be deferred by the President to the membership.for a vote. Section 10 General membership Attendance: Any Member shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Board and to present comments concerning matters on its agenda or to offer new items for consideration but cannot vote on items. December 1993 ll4l20l0 4:20 PM l0 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm R1 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amateur Rudio Club _ BY LAWS OFFICERS ARTICLE IX Section 1 Definition oft The Officers of this Club shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and Treasurer. Section 2 Term of Office: The Officers and Directors of this Club shall be elected for a term of one year. The Station Trustee may be elected for an indefinite term. (See Article XIII Station Trustee, Section 1 Duties). Section 3 Dates of Services: The term of office for Club Officers and Directors shall begin on January lst of the year following election and shall expire December 31st of that same year. Officers or directors appointed by the President to fill vacated offices shall serve for the remainder of thatyear. Section 4 Term Limitations: No Officer or Director shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. (See Article VIII Board of Directors, Section 9 Staggered Term of Office). 11412010 4:20PM ll April 1988 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm Rl This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amatear Radio Club BY -LAWS DUTIES: President, and Vice President ARTICLE X Section 1 The President: 1.1 Authority/Duty: The President shall preside over all meetings of the membership and of the Board, enforce due observation of the By-Laws, decide all questions of order, sign all official documents enacted by the Club, and perform all functions customarily relating to the office of President. 1.2 Filling Vacancies: The President shall (l) appoint a Member to fill an expired term of any office: which may be vacated between annual election (2) announce both tile expected or actual vacancy of any elected office as soon as such becomes known and shall submit the name of an appointee for confirmation at the next membership meeting. 1 .3. Ex-Officio Duties: The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating committee 1.4. Fiscal Auditor APPointments: An Auditor shall be appointed by the President with the: approval of the Board of Directors to audit Club financial records to determine that proper procedures have been followed. A written report will be required from the Auditor within thirty days as of the close ofthe calendar year. 1.5 Fiscal Reports Requests: The President can request an accounting ofall funds received and disbursed on behalfof the club by the treasurer. See Article XII Treasurer, Section 5 Financial Report. Section 2 The Vice President: 2.1. General Duties: The Vice President shall preside at regular or special meetings of the membership and the Board in the absence of the President and shall also assume the office of President if that office should become vacant before the annual election of officers. 2.2. Program Chair: The Vice President shall act as Program Chairman and shall be of assistance to the President. He/She shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. ?*e rJ.* L'{* frt4v* -brth * !dr.\r ll4l20l0 4:20 PM 12 April 1988 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm Rl This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierru Foothills Amateur Rudio Club _ BY LAWS Duties, Secretary ARTIGLE Xl Section I Scope of Duties: The Secretary shall: (1) keep all club records including proceedings of meetings; (2) receiveand submit to the membership new membership applications for approval; (See Article lll Membership, Section 1 Eligibilityfor Membership and Section 7 Petition) (3) conduct routine club correspondence and submit received correspondence to the Board for decision and disposition. Section 2 Minutes/Motions/Chronological Journal: The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Board, special, and general membership meetings. All motions passed shall be recorded in chronological journal form in a separate, bound Journal Book. Section 4 Timeliness of Duties: The Secretary shall submit timely fillings of all documents required to establish and maintain the Club as an incorporated, non-profit, tax exempt organization. Section 3 Records Retention: The Secretary shall retain Club records for no less than 7 years: meeting minutes and records of motions passed shall be retained permanently. December 1993 ll4l20l0 4:20 PM 13 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm Rl This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amuteur Rudio Club BY _ LAWS Treasurer ARTICLE Xll Section 1 Accounts: The Treasurer shall receive, receipt, and account for all funds received by the Club from all sources; he/she shall maintain and disburse funds only as provided by the By-Laws. Section 2 Club Dues: The Treasurer shall collect Club dues from Members and maintain current membership rosters. He/She shall maintain an updated Member Rosters for the Newsletter Editor's use. Section 3 Memberships, Dues, Records: The Treasurer shall maintain an accurate record of the current status of each Member of this Club in regard to dues and fees. Section 4 Bank Account and Signature Authorization: The Treasurer shall bank Club funds in any federally-insured financial institution approved by the Board. The account shall be in the name of the Club, and shall carry at leasttwo authorized signatures on the account signature card, one of which shall be the Treasurer's. The Board shall determine the number of signatures required on disbursement paper. Section 5 Financial Reports: The Treasurer will submit a report of financial status of the Club once per month and ;*ua1+y, unless otherwise requested by the President, giving an accounting of all funds received and disbursed. Section 6 Payment Authorized/Scope and Limitations: The Treasurer is authorized to pay, without further authorization, routine bills for club stationery, printing and postage for the Club Newsletter or special mailings, postage for correspondence, and Post Office box rentals. h-** Section 7 Membership Expenditure Voting: All Expenditures of Club funds, other than those provided for in Article VIII Board of Directors, Section 7 Expenditure Authority, Article XII Treasurer, Section 6 Payment Authority Scope and Limitations, and Article XII Treasurer, Section 9 Special Club Accounts, shall require approval of the general membership. Section 8 Club Property: The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all club property . Property shall be recognized as any Moneys, bank deposits, securities, and items of negotiable value; it shall include all books, papers, correspondence and records; it shall include all tangible property of any kind receivel byi.pg3.laped o1 dolated to the Club from any source. i"d lyl {; l$ru';t. &i r }. i "',* Ll4l20l0 4:20 PM 14 April 1988 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm Rl This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierrs Foothills Amateur Radio Club BY -LAWS (Treasurer Continued) Section 9 Special Club Accounts: The following Funds may be established by the Board with their income sources, controls, reporting requirements and expense limits set by the Board. RAFFLE FUND: A fund carried from month to month to pay for the prize drawings at the monthly general meeting. SNACK BAR FUND: A fund carried from month to month to cover the cost of refreshments at the monthly general meetings. PHONE PATCH FUND: A fund to pay the monthly telephone bill incurred by the operation of the repeater phone patch. REPEATER FUND: A fund to support a Club-affiliated repeater. The Station Trustee is authorized to expend not in excess of $25 per month to maintain this repeater. Expenditures in excess of $25 per month must be approved at a general membership meeting. CHRISTMAS PARTY FUND: A fund carried from year to year to cover costs of the Club Christmas Party. 11412010 4:20 PM 15 April 1988 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm R1 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amateur Rudio Club _ BY LAWS STATION TRUSTEE ARTICLE XIII Section I Duties: -'"k.* The Station Trustee shall be custodian of the station license, records and allied equipment and shall issue caution or correction as required on matters concerning operation of the Club amateur radio station. See Article IX Officers, Section 2 Election Term and Article XII, Section 9. ll4/2010 4:20PM l6 April 1988 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm Rl This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club _ BY LAWS (Treasurer Continued) Section 9 Special Club Accounts: The following Funds may be established by the Board with their income sources, controls, reporting requirements and expense limits set by the Board. RAFFLE FUND: A fund carried from month to month to pay for the prize drawings at the monthly general meeting. SNACK BAR FUND: A fund carried from month to month to cover the cost of refreshments at the monthly general meetings. PHONE PATCH FUND: A fund to pay the monthly telephone bill incurred by the operation of the repeater phone patch. REPEATER FUND: A fund to support a Club-affiliated repeater. The Station Trustee is authorized to expend not in excess of $25 per month to maintain this repeater. Expenditures in excess of $25 per month must be approved at a general membership meeting. CHRISTMAS PARTY FUND: A fund carried from year to year to cover costs of the Club Christmas Party. ll4/2010 4:20 PM l5 April 1988 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm R1 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club _ BY LAWS STATION TRUSTEE ARTICLE XIII Section 1 Duties: "'rr.k'* The Station Trustee shall be custodian of the station license, records and allied equipment and shall issue caution or coffection as required on matters concerning operation of the Club amateur radio station. See Article IX Officers, Section 2 Election Term and Article XII, Section 9. April 1988 ll4/2010 4:20PM t6 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm R1 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club _ BY LAWS COMMITTEES ARTICLE XIV Section 1 Appointment Purpose: Committees shall be appointed by the President to: (1) provide technical aid to Members, (2) to foster and maintain public relations regarding amateur radio, (3) to support programs in the public interest and convenience, and (4) to facilitate the operations and activities of the Club . Section 2 Membership On: The President may (1) appoint members to serve on committees and in order to fill appointments to committees in emergency situations (2) additional Members to any committee with the exception of the Nominating Committee, (3) specify the term of the appointed Member's service on a given committee. See Article XV Elections, Section 1, Nominations Commiffee. l/412010 4:20 PM t7 April 1988 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm Rl This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierra Foothills Amsteur Radio Clab BY _ LAWS ELECTIONS ARTICLE XV Section 1 Nominating Committee: By no later than June first of each yearlhe President shall appoint a Nominating Ctmmittee of not less than 3 Members, who shall not be candidates for office for the following year. Section 2 Duties/AuthoritY: The Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall conduct the election of all elected Officers of this Club. He/She shall ( 1 ) provide ballots for the Club membership if needed; (2) verify the eligibility of Members to vote and to hold elective office; (3) ensure the.validiiy of wriiten ballots and of the voting procedure; ( ) be responsible for the counting, tallying, and reporting of election results to the Club membership. This Committee shall be charged with submitting Membersr names in nomination for Club offices for the following year; these nominations will be submitted to the general membership at the September meeting and be published in the next Newsletter following that meetin-g.In the cise of Mailed/Absentee ballots, the ballot shall include all candidates-and measures known at the time of the mailing of the ballots. Section 3 Election Night Nominations/Write-In's: In addition to the no*irrrt submitted by the Committee, candidates for election may include other nominations as may be made from the floor up to and including the night of the election. Or in the case of Mailed/Absentee Ballots voting, write in candidates are acceptable if candidate meets the criteria stated in these By-Lctws. Section 4 Candidate Qualifications: All Members nominated must: (I) have agreed to being nominated, (2) hold a valid amateur radio license prior to election as a Club officer, and (3) have been a Club Member for no less than six months preceding the election. Section 5 Date of Annual Election: The annual election of Officers and Directors shall normally be held during the regular November membership meeting provided: (I) a quorum exists at that meeting, and (2) the election has been announced to the membership at least thirty days in advance. See: Article V Meetings, Section 2 Quorum General/Special Meeting and Section 5 euorum By-Laws/M".b.. Removal, Article III Membership, Section 7 Petitions, and Article XVI By-Laws, Section 2 Amendments. Section 6 Quorum at Meeting Vote: Should a quorum not exist at the announced election meeting, the election shall be conductedat the first membership meeting thereafter, either regular or called specially for the purpose, at which a quorum does exist or a Mailed/Absentee ballot system may be used. 11412010 4:20Pl'4 18 December 1993 SFARCbylaws re-format ajm R1 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Sierru Foothills Amateur Radio Club BY -LAWS BY-LAWS ARTICLE XVI Section 1 Review: These By-Laws shall be reviewed for adequacy and currency at least every leap year. The President shall appoint a committee to perform this review and submit recommendations to the Board and general membership as it may deem appropriate. Section 2 Amendments: Any 3 or more Members of this Club may present a petition to the Board of Directors setting forth any proposed amendment or repeal of these By-Laws. The Board of Directors shall present the petition to the general membership as provided in Article V Meetings, Section 2 Quorum General/Special and Article XV Elections, Section 6 Quorum at Meeting Vote. The physical presence of 30Yo or more of the paid membership shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of amending or repealing these By-Laws; a two- thirds majority vote shall rule. Section 3 Ballot Announcements: Any meeting which involves balloting to amend or repeal the By-Laws, shall conform to the same advance notice requirements that pertain to the voting. See: Article lV Dues, Section 2Dates and Publication of: Article XV Elections, Section 5 Date of Annual Election. Section 4 Conflict: In any case where these By-Laws may conflict with the laws of the state of California or of the United States of America, state or federal law shall take precedence. The invalidation of any Article or Section of these By-Laws in conflict with State or Federal law shall not affect or invalidate the remaining Articles or Sections of these By-Laws. 20 April 1988 l/412010 4:20 PM t9 April 1988 SPARCbylaws re-format ajm R1