Hello All, The STEM Expo is one week away! We will be Amateur Radio ambassadors, under the auspices of ARRL, introducing (and selling!) the hobby to event participants, most of them high school and college students interested in technology. Our event call sign is N6S. We will demonstrate a variety of radio setups. With eight volunteers for an 80sf booth area, space will be tight. We will have a few chairs and a lot of standing and walking around. The event will provide some indoor outlets. If more power is needed, George KG6LSB has loaned us his Honda generator. If we use it, we will have to keep an eye on it so it does not "walk away" from its position outside the building. Although the building is wrapped in metal, creating a Faraday cage, I was able to reach the W6EK 2m repeater with my Kenwood TH-F6 HT from where our booth will be set up. Please bring your HT. We can use our HTs for simplex contacts amongst ourselves (let's use 147.570). Plus, we can let the participants use our HTs to make contacts via the W6EK repeater. We will have three tables at the booth - please see the attached diagram for the setup. Hopefully our booth measures the promised 10ft wide x 8ft deep. If it is not that large, all tables will not fit, and we will have to make adjustments. Radio Equipment: (All people bringing radio equipment, please bring sufficient coax, power supplies, etc.) 1. Carl WF6J - HT and Satellite Antenna plus iMac for display. 2. Michael K6BUK - Icom 7300 and Buddy Pole. HT with C4FM. 3. Greg KO6TH - APRS demo: small laptop with a separate (audience-facing) monitor, APRS software linked to Kenwood TH-D74 HT and either a small beam or a J-pole antenna. (There may be some other items.) Other Items: 1. Mike KK6GLP: Two tables (5ft, 6ft), two folding chairs. Extension cord. Strip outlet. Coax 100 ft with connectors. Honda generator. ARRL brochures and other promotional items. Safety tape. Duct tape. 2. Orion AI6JB: Safety cones and stanchions. Table 6ft. Two folding chairs. Extension cords 12 gauge (2 @50ft), 10 gauge (1 @ 25ft). Practice key with CW sheets. 3. Jim WA8MPA: Various "eye candy" - antique tube, etc. 4. Greg KO6TH: Extension cord 14 gauge 100ft. Setup is from 7am to 9am. The exhibit is 9am to about 3:30pm. Breakdown about 3:30pm to 4:30pm. Hopefully I have addressed everything. If you have questions or comments, please Reply All so all can read. See you Saturday at William Jessup University! 73 Mike KK6GLP