Watts Up This Week

A early release of Watts Up This Week and with good reason. We’ve got a lot in the coming days. Field Day 2024 is definitely on the front burner. If you plan to attend we ask that you take these quick and easy steps.
  1. RSVP NOW! RSVPs will close down on June 15th so don’t procrastinate. Link: https://www.w6ek.org/fieldday/rsvp 
  2. If you’re coming to Field Day (even for just the day), sign up for a shift to work the bands. There are a total of 6 stations setup. The pickin’s are good right now so grab a shift before your favorite time slot gets taken. Link: https://www.w6ek.org/fieldday/signups-schedule 
  3. All Things Field Day (Antenna Plans, What To Bring, Rules, Safety, etc…) can be found @ https://fieldday.w6ek.org 
In other news, the SFARC BOARD MEETING IS THIS THURDAY (JUNE 13TH) @ 6 PM PT in the club zoon room. And don’t forget about the SFARC CLUB MEETING THIS FRIDAY (JUNE 14) @ 7:30PM PT in person at the Crossroads Church South Campus Gymnasium in Auburn. More information can be found @ https://www.w6ek.org/activities/meetings

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The Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club (W6EK)
(530) 492-0920

Website: www.w6ek.org
Group.io: groupsio.w6ek.org
