Watts Up This Week

Are you all recovered from your Field Day hangover? Preliminary results are showing that SFARC made over 3,200 contacts = Wow!!!! The first batch of pics are available on the website photos page. If you have photos from the event, please upload them before you forget @ www.w6ek.org/media/upload

The Western States Endurance Runs will have primary use of the W6EK 2m and 440 repeaters (linked in analog) starting Saturday morning at 4AM, continuing to Sunday around 11AM. Please provide priority access to the Western States Team. If you need to use the repeater, please keep contacts short and migrate QSOs to another local repeater. There will be no Coffee Break Net on Saturday and Sunday.

Join SFARC this Saturday at 7:30 for breakfast. Come early and come hungry!


We’re only 17 days, 21 hours, and 2 minutes from Hot RF Nights (at the time of this email). Are you coming? While not required, we’d love to get an idea of how many plan to attend so we can provide some rough numbers. If you’ve got a few extra minutes, head over to www.w6ek.org/activities/hotrfnights/rsvp and RSVP. We could also use your help promoting the event on other nets throughout the Sacramento Valley. We’ve made it simple, here’s the script:

“Join SFARC on July 13th for Hot RF nights. It’s like a carnival for amateur radio operators and community service volunteers. Hams and served agencies from all over Northern California will be showing off mobile radio installs, go kits, and emergency response vehicles and equipment. All our welcome to show off your gear or just attend and enjoy some dinner from Fat Cat Catering, and a Root Beer or Orange Creamsicle float to stay cool. Free bottled water is available to all in attendance. Setup begins at 3PM in the main parking lot of Auburn Crossroads Church with the event starting at 4pm. You don’t need to be a ham to attend, all individuals or clubs are welcome to setup a table as well. More information, and the address for the event, can be found @ hotrfnights.w6ek.org ! If you plan to show off some gear, please RSVP using the website.”